Understanding the Controllers – Part 4

by Santhakumar Munuswamy

  Posted on  25 December 2015


 This article explains understand the controller with a sample application and its usage of controller discussion to here. In my previous article, we saw what is the difference between AngularJs and other java script frameworks? The series of article written on AngularJs and here are the links [More]  

Menu in AngularJS

by Santhakumar Munuswamy

  Posted on  24 December 2015


 This article explains the how to create an AngularJS menu with a demo application using visual studio 2015. We will discuss how to create an AngularJS menu easily and understand the sample menu application. [More]  

Understanding The Endpoints In WCF

by Santhakumar Munuswamy

  Posted on  09 September 2015


 This article explains the endpoints with address, binding and contract features. In my previous article, we saw what is the difference between web services and WCF? The series of article written on WCF are the following: [More]  

Basics of AngularJS – Part 2

by Santhakumar Munuswamy

  Posted on  05 July 2015


 This article explains the basics of AngularJS, a JavaScript framework to build structured and dynamic web applications. I have provided an introduction to AngularJs in my previous article and now we will explain the basic concepts of AngularJs and why we need to use AngularJs and its features. [More]  

Getting Started with ASP.NET Web API

by Santhakumar Munuswamy

  Posted on  14 June 2015


 This article explains the ASP.NET Web API and shows how to implement a sample employee application using Visual Studio 2013. ASP.NET Web API is a framework that makes it easy to build HTTP services that reach a broad range of clients, including browsers and mobile devices. [More]  

How to Install and Register ASP.Net With IIS

by Santhakumar Munuswamy

  Posted on  08 May 2015


 This article explains how to register ASP.Net with IIS when installing ASP.Net in IIS so that an ASP.Net page can make a request to recognize or respond from IIS. If it is not registered with an Internet Information Services then when you make an ASP.Net page request to the web server (IIS) then the web server will not get a response [More]  

Spring Framework in .NET

by Santhakumar Munuswamy

  Posted on  26 April 2015


 Spring.Net is an open source platform and as well as web application framework to develop the enterprise .Net application. It is used to develop component based application with a help of proven design pattern and as well as architecture. [More]  

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