by Santhakumar Munuswamy
Posted on 26 December 2015
Tips & Tricks
This blog explains how to solve the Not Enough Memory Is Available in the System to start an Emulator with tips.
Not Enough Memory Is Available in the System to start an Emulator that uses 1024 MB of startup RAM
“Windows Phone Emulator is unable to verify that the virtual machine is running:
Not enough memory is available in the system to start an emulator that uses 1024 MB of startup RAM. Please close other application and try to launch the emulator again.
If closing other applications doesn’t help, please follow the instruction on this KB article:”
Step by step guide
1. Go to Run and Type regedit command, then click OK Button
2. Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to this computer?
3. Click Yes Button.
4. The Registry Editor Window will be opened.
5. Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE from the left side under the Computer.
6. Go to SOFTWARE, expand it.
7. Go to Microsoft, expand it.
8. Go to Windows NT, expand it.
9. Go to CurrentVersion, expand it.
10. Finally, Go to Virtualization.
11. Right-click the Virtualization folder, then select New and click DWORD value.
12. Type MemoryReserve, and then press Enter.
13. Double-click MemoryReserve, Enter the 2048 in the Value data, Then select the Decimal option and click OK Button.
14. Close Registry Editor and Restart the system.